Get Growing

Your business. Your audience. Your momentum.

Make it grow.

Engage the marketing expertise, and business coaching support that’s trusted to drive growth for new business, small business, start-ups, enterprise, and NGOs.

Feel Heard

Clients look to us to fix the problems that lead to statements like these. Do you say the same things? We hear you, and we’re here to help.

  • It’s hard to make time to grow. Especially when the right resources are scarce, or expensive, or difficult to work with.

    Clients use us by the teaspoon or by the gallon. Our capacity is limitless, our expertise is diverse, our partners are friendly, and our interest is broad.

    You can use us as your relief, as your heavy hitters, as your specialists, as your support, or as your coaches. We’ve got the know-how, and the capability to teach others what to know, and how to know it.

    Tell us what business needs doing and we’ll be delighted to get it done.

  • It takes experience to develop truly valuable growth plans, programs, and campaigns.

    Couple that with the fact that experience is costly, and, without experience, costs compound.

    We’ve been running growth teams large and small at companies of all sorts, and for clients all around the world.

    In partnership with your team, we’ll develop a strategy, put together the action plan. If that’s not enough, we’ll help lead your squad in bringing it to life!

  • That’s a bummer. You should be stoked about your website.

    You can rely on us to help you fix it regardless of where it’s built, what it does, or how broken it is.

    We can work with your developers. We can be your developers. We can manage your content. We can build eCommerce into it. We can make it rank better in search.

    If it lives online, we can build it, we can improve it or move it, and - of course, we can help it grow.

  • Well, they certainly ought to, but dealing with agencies can surely feel like a trip to the circus.

    Sometimes it’s about asking the right questions, or setting the right expectations, or establishing fair benchmarks to measure against. Sometimes it’s about project management and communication.

    No matter what’s standing in the way of maximizing your agency relationships, we can wring performance and value out of your investment in them.

    Whether it’s media, creative, production, or the full gambit, we’re prepared to step in as the ringmaster or offer guidance as the folks behind the curtain.

  • Cool. We’ve got you covered there.

    We are huge growth nerds. We have been for decades, (all the way back when they called it “marketing”) and you can rely on us to bring your brand to market with skill and with sensibility.

    We get the tech, the targeting, the timing, and the tenor. We know the right questions to ask and the right metrics to rely on when we set goals and measure results.

    You rely on us to deliver comforting, confidence inspiring expertise about costly, complex growth projects, and for the “simple” stuff too.

  • Which is just awful because they should be besties.

    In any case where an organization operates sales and marketing teams, those teams need shared objectives. Their plans should align and marketing data ought to inform how sales sells. That way, the business grows.

    There’s a hyper-competitive mindset in business, and, even in highly-matrixed organizations, but when you turn on account-based marketing practices, sales always grows the bottom line.

    There’s also incredible value in making sure that marketing tech is generating valuable insights that sales can immediately use to drive greater value from new prospects and to grow your key accounts.

  • Most people don’t, and that’s no reason to stop you from growing.

    We grew up building parts of the Web. We know how the tubes connect, and we know where the dollars are hidden.

    Clients rely on us to find growth all over the internet. We find it on their websites, through email and automated marketing tools, search engine marketing and SEO, social media and influencers, video and display advertising, real-time monitoring, and more.

    It’s essential to understand that all that work is worthless unless you’re measuring it, so we make sure that clients are tagging, tracking, and using data to reach the right audiences in the most engaging ways.

    We’re digital denizens and we’re ready to get you growing online.

  • Salesforce is a powerful platform with unrelenting complexity. Do it right or ditch it.

    Successful Salesforce implementations rely on certified experts for set-up, activation, and maintenance, or else it ends up as a spectacular waste of money.

    You can rely on our Salesforce administrators, journey builders, and marketing automators to help make your investment worthwhile.

    If you’re not set up to integrate sales, customer support, marketing, aspects of your website’s user experience, and finance all in one tidy digital ecosystem, we’ll spend time optimizing it with you.

    We’ll also help you ditch it.

Feel Confident

You’ll Grow to Goals

Our work together starts by setting some measureable goals. Together, we get geeky and identify attainable, demonstrable OKRs (Objectives & Key Results), and make them measurable with relevant KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for transparent reporting. This informs strategic planning,  and sets the pace of our work, and provides you with directions for growth.

You’ll Target & Save

With clear objectives in mind, we’ll build relevant communications and expose it to targeted audiences;  only spending our working time and your media dollars on reaching valuable prospects. We’ll bring your brand to market using state-of-the-art tech in Account-Based Marketing (ABM), social, search, display, network-based marketing, out-of-home, streaming media, selling partners, and more. We use wise retargeting tactics to do it affordably for you.

You’ll Test & Optimize

With the right audience in our sights, we’ll launch and test (and test and test) practical growth marketing campaigns and communications that connect directly with targeted audiences to create visibility, establish awareness, drive engagement, create conversions, deliver revenue, and secure loyalty. Then you’ll learn from the  data and optimize around the analytics to continue driving increased growth.

By the Bushel

    • Delivered a 351% increase in new website visitors resulting in 61% growth in lead submissions

    • Grew conversion rate by 380% across paid media channels while driving down cost-per-lead by 72%

    • Increased click-through-rate by 36%, landing page activity by 68% and conversions by over 200% through optimized digital display marketing tactics and creative testing

    • Website replatforming and brand refresh, growing site traffic 350% YOY through

    • Increased web form conversion rate 200% by redesigning content and simplifying user experience (UX)

    • Delivered 500%+ improvements in search engine visibility on meaningful, competitive keyword phrases

    • Gold and Silver Creative Data Lions at the Cannes International Festival of Creativity for Social Data and Use of Real-time Data respectively

    • Shorty Award - The Best of Hospitality Social Media 2017

    • PR Daily Winner Brand Awareness and Influencer Marketing

    • Over a dozen HSMAI (hospitality industry) awards

    • Delivered earned media reaching over 1.15 Billion organic impressions on a $7,200 budget

    • Deployed real-time creative content campaigns to drive a 240% increase in branded content consumption year-over-year

    • Delivered 3x growth in traffic to social sites through a unique unified Social Network Portal

    • Executed real time Twitter campaign generating over 2.5MM impressions through original content, delivering attention and engagement rates 400% above benchmark (at almost no cost).

    • Reduced digital department expenses by 60% through growth skills training

    • Developed and delivered franchisee training for global digital brand guidelines and social media playbooks

    • Created and deployed digital brand guidelines and social media playbooks

    • Delivered digital, SEO, and performance marketing training for global field marketing and franchisee team

Services to Grow Your Business

  • Get marketing program leadership without the full-time costs.

    Leverage Rock Creek Growth Partners and rely on decades of experience in:

    • B2B and B2C business growth strategy

    • Sales & marketing alignment

    • Brand marketing

    • Website development

    • Digital marketing & eCommerce

    • Partnerships

    • Agency management

    • Talent acquisition and organizational development

    • Award-winning creative

    Get genuine engagement and fractional CMO insights to drive pipeline value, and company growth without taking on a costly full-timer.

  • Build a growth marketing program that turns visibility into awareness that grows into understanding, engagement, conversion, revenue, and loyalty, and delivers increased customer lifetime value.

    Create the customer journey and the customer experiences that drive revenue.

    Generate growth from across channels such as:

    • Search engine marketing and optimization (SEM/SEO)

    • Email marketing

    • Account-based marketing (ABM)

    • Social Media & Influencer marketing

    • Content marketing

    • Performance Video and Display advertising

    • Website Optimization

    • Affiliate marketing

    • Customer referral programs

    • Experiential marketing

    • Network-based marketing

    Accomplish specific growth goals with targeted creative campaigns built to communicate compelling messages through sharp content, intelligent channel strategy, high-performance landing page optimization, and diligent media spend management.

  • Maximize the value of your agency and vendor relationships without the overhead of experienced, costly full time staff.

    Earn maximal effort and value from vendors working on:

    • Marketing campaigns

    • Developing software integrations

    • Creative production

    • Developing and optimizing websites

    • Content management

    • Advertising media

    We’ve derived value from agency relationships and vendor partners for 25 years.

    We’re familiar with the techniques, technologies, and talent associated with the work, and we’re much more sensitive about your budget and its performance than your vendor is.

  • Gain immediate access to trusted subject matter experts that will help your business grow.

    We’re prepared to staff the work, whether you’re deploying an entire martech stack, undertaking a digital transformation, replatforming your website, launching marketing automation, or building a team for the long term.

    Rock Creek’s network of experts is built on experience and talent, and we’re ready to support your growth with services such as:

    • Growth marketing (paid/owned/earned search, display, and social)

    • Website development and optimization

    • Email and marketing automation

    • Account-based marketing

    • Content strategy

    • Pipeline development

    • Design

    • Agency and vendor management

    • Production services (A/V, video production)

    • Event management

    • And more

    Grow faster with our team before you face the complexity or raise the capital to build a team of your own.

  • Build targeted audiences, and get the right tools to develop and deploy hyper-targeted, personalized account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns.

    Attract and grow the value of your key accounts, and engage prospects using targeted, personalized media.

    Align your sales and marketing teams, leveraging invaluable marketing data to close bigger deals faster.

  • Kick off a Website Growth Assessment to figure out where to start.

    We can breathe life into digital marketing and eCommerce projects and programs of all kinds, and we’re deeply familiar with:

    • Websites

      • New website planning, development, and deployment

      • Website refresh and optimization

      • Website replatforming

      • Website content strategy

    • Platform on-boarding

      • CMS

      • CRM

      • Advertising

      • Social Media

      • Measurement and Analytics

    • Performance Media

      • Search Engine Marketing

      • Email and Marketing Automation

      • Programmatic Display and Video

      • VOD/SVOD

      • Paid Social

      • Out Of Home (OOH)

      • Innovations

    • Data Analytics

      • Reporting templates and frameworks

      • Dashboard development

      • Systems integration

    Plan, develop, deploy, and optimize your digital presence with confidence. We’ll direct and deliver the digital work that needs to get done so that you can grow faster.

  • Monetize your data.

    Integrate your sales and marketing systems, strategies, and motions to optimize your marketing performance, media spend, and selling motions.

    RevOps works to unify and maximize the tools at your disposal. Align those systems by employing data analytics and you’ll:

    • Deploy smarter campaigns, honing them through iterative testing across marketing channels and platforms

    • Study and improve your website’s user experience to grow conversions, leads, revenue, and loyalty

    • Enable your sales team to leverage marketing metadata to close bigger deals faster by informing the conversations about the prospect’s preferences, interests, needs, and desire

    • Move leads through a more efficient pipeline, and use marketing data to inform better the conversations you have with prospects.

    Optimize your marketing spend to drive sales and stop inefficient spending on media, platform, and creative needs.

  • Spend valuable time in a customized workshop and walk away with tangible strategic plans and tactical task lists, and instill a powerful, unifying growth mindset in your team.

    Dedicated to developing and delivering shared goals that the whole team is aligned to, and prepared to support.

    Each workshop is bespoke, based on your growth goals, and crafted to deliver:

    • Defined objectives

    • Relevant performance measures

    • Strategic clarity

    • Actionable tactical plans

    Programs can be structured in half and full day sessions and are intended to involve as many of your team members as needed. The cost is the same for two attendees or 200.

Menu of Services

For 20+ years we’ve been trusted to grow major brands, like Marriott International, CoStar Group, Xometry, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and others. Like them, entrepreneurs running new and small businesses, start-ups, enterprises, and nonprofits rely on us for:

Strategy & Planning

  • Goals & Objectives Identification

  • Market & Audience Research

  • Growth Marketing Planning

  • Resource Optimization & Management

  • Talent Development

Business Acumen & Communication

  • Digital Concepts Training

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Communications Strategy

  • Organizational Alignment

  • Opportunistic Revenue Development

Channel Expertise & Execution

  • Digital Coaching

  • Agency Management

  • Website Development & Optimization

  • Channel Strategy - Sites, Social & More

  • Marketing Innovations

Growth Hacking & Experimentation

  • Acquisition & Growth Testing

  • Experimental Measurement

  • Award-Winning Creative Content

  • Performance Marketing

  • Account & Network Based Marketing

Data & Analytics

  • Measurement & Analysis

  • Insights & Recommendations

  • Reporting & Dashboards

  • Data-Driven Insights

  • Data & Analytics Training

Entrepreneurial Support

  • Professional Coaching and Development

  • Problem Solving

  • Partnerships Development

  • Talent Acquisition

  • Employer Branding

About Rock Creek Growth Partners

Rock Creek Growth Partners is an innovative business growth consultancy based in Rockville, MD with 20+ years of brand, digital, creative, and performance marketing experience, plus a vast network of SME collaborators with the skills to drive value.

We’ve run growth programs that deliver data-oriented strategy, award-winning creative, and demonstrable business growth for startups, small and medium-sized businesses, non-profits, and publicly traded enterprises. We act as the sole growth team for some, and we lead the teams and departments for others.

Our work generates visibility to develop awareness, elicits an engaged response from growing audiences, tests and optimizes strategic endeavors, and delivers measurable business results in ways that are most important to our clients.

It’s the experiences at these leading companies, and others, that have primed us to help you get growing:

Max B. Lang
Founder & Principal Consultant
Connect on LinkedIn

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