Looping the Loop: The Behaviors and Feelings of Flying a New Business

Starting up a business is a remarkable challenge, and you should give it a try.

To some new business operators, it feels like looping the loop on a roller coaster, sending your heart into your throat at every thrill or into your stomach at every unexpected turn.

A more appropriate analogy would be doing it in an airplane though, where there’s no track to follow. It’s true, sometimes businesses go bad, and it’s hard to crash a roller coaster. So, an airplane is our vehicle of choice in this little metaphorical business tale.

This post explores what looping the loop in your new business might feel like. As we do, we’re going to consider both the tangible elements of that process - the behaviors of growing a business, and the emotional experiences of it as well.

The purpose of this post is to help you feel comfortable during the uncomfortable moments of business and personal growth. The same moment you launch a business, you’re also launching a new business person - a new version of you. Here’s what their experiences could feel like as they begin looping the loop.

On with the metaphor! Imagine a clock face…

At 6:00 🕕 - Flying level to the ground

Imagine a clock face. Your decision to build your business begins at 6:00. At that point in the business journey, your “airplane” is “flying” level with the ground. There is an impetus to go your own way, to develop, and build, and launch, and run a business of your own. There’s inspiration. There’s value. There’s opportunity. You’re chasing it all with the throttle wide open, ready to pull up and begin looping the loop.

You’re feeling excitement, independence, and you’re zealous about the professional journey that you’ve decided to embark upon. Your friends are excited for you, you have your family’s support, and you are in a phase of the effort when your sense of intent is purest and you are at your most eager. You begin to gain metaphorical altitude, knowing that your product or service is going to deliver on the promise of your message. Your courage to take this new step is girded by the work you’ve done to build solid foundations of your business.

  • You will solve a problem:

    • There is a clear customer need for your product or service, and your solution is unique and valuable.

  • You will Target your Audience: 

    • You have found your ideal customers. You understand their demographics, needs, and buying habits.

  • Finances are Planned: 

    • You have secured as much startup capital do you need based on a budget for expenses and you’ve identified potential funding sources.

  • Business is Structured: 

    • You’ve completed the paperwork to launch your sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation, and you’ve chosen the legal structure that best suits your needs and goals.

  • The Competition is In Your Sights:

    • You know your main competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and you have differentiated your brand effectively.

At 9:00 🕘 - Starting the vertical climb.

You accelerate intensely because you're excited about the business and before you know it you're going vertical at 9:00 on the clock face and it's exciting! It's exhilarating! You're being pressed back into your “business seat” by the acceleration, by the intensity with which you approach your work. You feel like you're gaining altitude, and it’s actually happening. Your business is experiencing growth  

Your emotions are still buzzing electric from take-off, and the sheer excitement from the early phases of your project keeps you energized and eager to face the work day. You are preparing to launch the business and you are fully engaged with your personal and professional networks for the support and confidence you need because you’ve:

  • Refined Your Offering: You’ve gathered feedback from industry experts or potential customers to test and improve your product or service.

  • Developed Your Marketing Plan: You’ve identified your target audience and craft strategies to reach them through the right channels.

  • Built Your Brand Identity: You’ve crafted a strong brand that resonates with your target market and sets you apart from competitors.

  • Established Systems & Processes: You’ve developed efficient workflows for the operations, sales, and customer service experiences that you’re aware of.

  • Prepared to Track & Analyze Performance: Set up the tools to monitor key metrics to measure progress and identify areas for improvement.

At 12:00 🕛 - Finding yourself upside down

And before you know it you're at 12:00 and you're upside down and this is crazy! Maybe you didn’t expect all the experiences that you've had, and the challenges that you've encountered, and maybe some of the assumptions you made turned out not to be as wise as you thought they might be. 

Your momentum, your energy, your drive have gotten you this far and your feelings are getting intense. Being upside down gives you a new perspective, and that perspective might show you frightening things. You’re getting uncomfortable, and your support system might be tired of sharing your stress. But you’re determined! You’re resilient, you’re intent, and you’re going to work on getting comfortable being uncomfortable and you’re going to push through the discomfort of business operations like:

  • The Sales Rollercoaster: Sales haven’t been as steady as planned. 

  • Scope Creep: Clients may request additional features or services beyond your original agreement. 

  • The Learning Curve: New tools, platforms, and regulations will require ongoing learning.

  • Wearing Many Hats: As a small business owner, you may need to handle everything from marketing to customer service.

  • Dealing with Difficult Customers: Not every interaction will be pleasant. 

At 3:00 🕒 - A great view of the ground

Before you know it you're at 3:00 and now your view out the windscreen of your imaginary airplane is full of the imaginary ground. Your business is running, and you're gaining momentum as you travel faster and faster towards a future that has the potential to change your life in positive and negative ways. Success awaits as you pull up on your imaginary yoke, avoiding the ground and zooming off to the next stage of new business growth.

Your emotions are similarly split. You are brimming with confidence that you survived a period of being entirely upside down, maybe now you carry a fear of getting upside down again. By now you may also feel a sense of how your progress is destined to deliver success and, at the same time, a fear of failure, of crashing and burning just as you near your goal. Maybe you’re stuck between those feelings, with a sense of accomplishment for having gotten this far, but a deep uncertainty that you can find true success.

Maybe “the ground” we mentioned above represents a dwindling budget, or an anxious sense to find a job instead of building something of your own, and things get pretty scary like when you start thinking about:

  • Walking the Financial Tightrope: Even with a solid budget, unexpected expenses or slow sales can cause financial anxiety. Focus on cash flow management and contingency plans.

  • Keeping Up with Evolving Competition Evolves: New competitors may emerge, or existing ones may change strategies. Stay informed and adapt your approach to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Imposter Syndrome: Despite successes, you might doubt your abilities. Celebrate wins, remind yourself of your goals, and seek mentorship if needed.

  • The Grass is Greener: Seeing others' seemingly perfect corporate lives can be tempting. Focus on the freedom and potential rewards of being your own boss.

  • The Burnout Hustle: The drive to succeed can lead to overwork. Establish healthy boundaries, delegate tasks, and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout.

Nearing the return to 6:00 🕕

When you push and you work and you dedicate yourself to growing a business that you know will be successful, you get closer and closer to finish looping the loop back at 6:00. 

If you imagine yourself back in our airplane at 5:45 on the clock face, we would be able to “see” the figurative horizon through our imaginary windshield, and we’d know it's time to regain altitude, level off, and run the business you’ve endeavored so meaningfully to build.

Emotionally, you could feel drained; having been through the exhilaration of the development phase, the excitement of launch. You’ve suffered the fears and frustrations of managing your new lifestyle and its responsibilities. Now, having come full circle, you may feel satisfied at a job well done.

It can be hard to acknowledge when we’ve found success. Once you’ve looped the loop in your new business, these are 5 signs that you’ve done it right. If you can claim any of these achievements as your own, congratulations on your success!

  • Sustainable Sales Growth: Sales are steadily increasing, showing customer demand and a growing market share.

  • Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty: Positive reviews, repeat business, and strong customer relationships demonstrate happy and returning customers.

  • Meeting Financial Goals: The business is profitable or on track to profitability, covering expenses and generating income as planned.

  • Team Growth & Development: Hiring additional staff or expanding the team shows the business can support growth.

  • Positive Industry Recognition: Awards, industry mentions, or positive press coverage highlight the business's impact and potential.

So, is starting a business like looping the loop in an airplane? In many ways, yes!

There's enormous personal and professional growth taking place throughout the initial thrill of takeoff, the exhilaration of climbing, and the inevitable moment of being upside down where everything feels uncertain. But just like a pilot skillfully navigates turbulence, you too can develop the skills and strategies to weather the storms of entrepreneurship. 

Buckle up, go heavy on the throttle, enjoy the ride, and focus on the incredible view that awaits you when you finally level off at your new altitude of success. If you’re looking for a co-pilot, make time to get growing here.


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