Thinking Less About Revenue Metrics

A small business client just told me that every new small business owner needs to hear this, so okay: Stop focusing on revenue metrics.

Growing your business by focusing on a revenue metric is like planting a grape seed and expecting to harvest bottles of wine at the end of the season instead of grapes.

The vintner can’t skip steps, and neither can you.

To get growing: identify your audience and find where they hang out online and off.

Then hit them with great content, ads, and experiences that will allow you to grow powerful performance metrics, like visibility among your target audience.

All of the other keys to growth follow, because visibility can turn into awareness, which drives engagement, then understanding, and then (with a great product) you’ve got desire - and desire drives revenue.

That's where revenue metrics begin to matter! Six steps down the line!

Stop trying to grow revenue and, instead, focus on the metrics that fuel your revenue growth, starting with visibility, and amp them up!

maybe you needed to hear this growth tip too. remember, growing your business is about growing yourself and your team as business people

Now get growing!

If you’d like to make time to talk about driving revenue, you can get growing here.


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