Find and Engage Your Audience Online

When it’s time to get business growing, it’s essential to identify and target the right audience with content that makes your products or services desirable to them. Do it smart, and do it fast, and you can save a fortune on time, effort, and ad spend.

As we see it, need, along with want, are varieties of desire. You want clean, white teeth, you need a root canal. Different perspectives. But, a root canal becomes desirable when the need arises, and both will drive you to the dentist - albeit with varying degrees of urgency.

Everyone eventually wants or needs a dentist. Just so, your audience must undeniably need or want what you sell. There are a handful of popular and scary powerful tools that help uncover where your audience, the people who need or want what you sell, are paying attention. 

Here are two that we use:

With an audience research tool like Sparktoro, you can run simple keyword-style searches to quickly learn which influencers your audience follows, which hashtags they use, which websites they visit, what they’re saying online and more…way more.

Then, get content engagement insights from a tool like BuzzSumo, which offers an equally simple interface, and shows you the content that your audience engages with most, where that content drives the greatest engagement, and who created it (among lots of other things).

Combine tools like those, and you’ll have learned where and how you can target, reach, and engage your audience so that you can truly drive desire and an intent to purchase from among them.

We’ll talk about intent soon enough…

Now go get growing! 

And don’t forget to grow yourself, that’s the hard part.

If you’d like to make time to talk about finding and targeting your audience, you can get growing here.


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