Every Type of Keyword for Your Keyword List!

When building a keyword list, categorizing different types helps with organization, targeting, and optimizing your campaigns. Here are some common types to consider:

Brand Awareness Keywords:

  • Brand terms: Your company name, product names, or branded slogans. “Vans,” “Superstar hightops,” or “Just Do It,” would be examples of such keywords respectively.

  • Non-branded terms: Keywords related to your offerings, but not explicitly mentioning your brand. “Skate shoes,” “breakin” shoes,” or “running shoes,’ are examples of related non-brand terms.

Search Intent Keywords:

  • Informational keywords: Users are seeking information, like "best marketing strategies for startups".

  • Transactional keywords: Users are ready to buy, like "buy running shoes for men".

  • Navigational keywords: Users know where they want to go, like "Facebook login".

Specificity Keywords:

  • Head keywords: Broad terms with high search volume and competition, like "running shoes".

  • Body keywords: More specific terms related to head keywords, like "womens running shoes,” “trail running shoes,” or “minimalist running shoes.”

  • Long-tail keywords: Highly specific phrases with lower competition and higher conversion rates, like "best running shoes for mountainous terrain," or “running shoes that keep your feet dry,” or even, “I hate my running shoes!”

Location Keywords:

  • Local keywords: Include city, state, or region, like "running shoes in Montgomery County, MD".

  • National keywords: Broad terms specifying location, like "Costa Rica fruit exporter".

Other Types:

  • Competitor keywords: Keywords your competitors rank for, for strategic targeting. You’re competing for visibility online in the exact same way that you’d be competing on store shelves. Consider your competitor's’ keyword use carefully in order to outrank them.

  • Seasonal keywords: Relevant during specific times, like "Halloween costumes". Your business may not be seasonable, but your promotional activities can be!

  • Negative keywords (for ad campaigns): Exclude irrelevant searches, like "free" or "used", to save budget. Spend time adding negative keywords in order to ensure that you don’t spend any budget on unrelated terms. It’s the easiest way to preserve ad spend.


  • The mix of keyword types depends on your goals, audience, and budget (if you’re running search engine advertising campaigns).

  • Use a variety of types to reach different stages of the buying funnel, from awareness through loyalty.

  • Regularly monitor and update your keyword list based on performance and trends.

Utilize keyword research tools to discover various keyword types and their metrics like search volume, competition, and cost-per-click. Be certain to take advantage of tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, etc. to uncover search volume, competition, and related keywords.

If you’d like to make time to talk about keywords, you can get growing here.


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