Three Essential Performance Marketing Platforms

There are so many new digital marketing platforms, performance marketing tools, and other ways to spend dollars on digital advertising that it can be a challenge trying to keep up.

Happily, you don't need to. We're not saying you shouldn't investigate interesting new tools and platforms that can drive growth. What we are saying is that you can rely on tried and true tools like Google Ads, Meta Ads, and our favorite new platform, MNTN (Mountain) to deliver your creative, your message, and your value proposition to targeted audiences.

Here's some details about each of those platforms as well as the rationale for why you should adopt them into your regular performance business growth practices.

1. Google Ads: This behemoth dominates the performance advertising landscape, offering pay-per-click (PPC) ads across search, display networks, YouTube, and more. Its massive reach and targeting capabilities make it popular for various campaigns.

  • Pervasive Reach and Targeting: Google Ads boasts the largest search network globally, reaching billions of users actively searching for information and products. Additionally, it offers diverse targeting options like demographics, interests, keywords, and even specific life events, allowing you to reach highly relevant audiences across search, display networks, YouTube, and other platforms.

  • Granular Campaign Management and Optimization: Google Ads provides flexible campaign structures and bidding strategies, allowing you to tailor your campaigns to specific goals like website traffic, conversions, or app installs. Advanced features like automated bidding and conversion tracking help optimize campaigns for maximum ROI.

  • Detailed Reporting and Analytics: Google Ads offers comprehensive reporting and analytics dashboards, providing insights into campaign performance, keyword effectiveness, audience demographics, and other valuable data. This data allows you to refine your targeting, adjust bids, and optimize campaigns for better results. If you use Google Analytics for your measurement and analytics, you’ll be delighted at how your Google Ads data is shared between the two platforms.

2. Meta Ads (formerly Facebook Ads): You might love to hate on Meta, but with extensive user data and diverse ad formats, Meta Ads excels in reaching specific audiences across the Meta ecosystem, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger with a single campaign. This unified approach helps you reach your aggressively target an ideal audience where they spend their time, regardless of the platform they prefer.

  • Extensive Audience Reach and Targeting: Meta boasts over 3 billion monthly active users, creating a massive potential audience for your ads. Their targeting capabilities are unparalleled, allowing you to reach specific demographics, interests, behaviors, and even life events with exceptional precision. This ensures your ads reach the right people, maximizing your advertising budget and campaign effectiveness.

  • Diverse Ad Formats and Engaging Experiences: Meta Ads provides a variety of ad formats beyond traditional static images and text. Leverage captivating video ads, immersive carousel formats, interactive polls, and even augmented reality experiences to stand out and capture user attention. These engaging formats can significantly increase user engagement and brand interaction compared to static ads.

  • Cost-Effectiveness and Measurable Results: Meta Ads offers flexible bidding models and budget controls, allowing you to optimize your spending and target specific goals like website traffic, leads, or conversions. Detailed analytics and reporting tools track campaign performance, ad effectiveness, and user behavior, providing valuable insights to refine your targeting and optimize campaigns for better results.

3. MNTN Performance TV: Our favorite way to run targeted and retargeted ads across devices that span from the office to the living room and everywhere (and everywhen) in between. The platform specializes in performance-based Connected TV (CTV) advertising, allowing brands to run targeted ads across smart TVs and over-the-top (OTT) devices. Along with excellent account support, here's what sets it apart:

  • Deep Expertise in CTV Advertising: MNTN focuses solely on Connected TV (CTV) advertising, giving them in-depth knowledge and experience navigating this rapidly growing and complex landscape. This expertise translates to campaign strategies tailored for maximum effectiveness within the CTV space.

  • Precise Audience Targeting in the CTV Ecosystem: MNTN goes beyond basic demographics, offering advanced targeting options based on viewing habits, content preferences, and device-level data. This allows you to reach highly specific audiences within the CTV landscape, minimizing wasted ad spend and maximizing engagement with the right viewers.

  • Measurable Performance and Transparent ROI: MNTN prioritizes performance-based advertising, ensuring your campaigns achieve specific goals, like driving app installs or website conversions. Their transparent reporting and attribution models provide clear insights into campaign performance and return on investment (ROI), allowing you to adjust strategies and optimize spending for better results.

With minimal budget you can launch, monitor, measure, and optimize a campaign on any of these platforms. all of them will drive traffic to your website. All of them have the capacity to reach highly-targeted audiences. 

Now all you’ve got to do is make sure you've developed the right audience to target and you've created the right content to engage them.


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